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Florida Estate Planning Services

  • What is an estate plan?

The goal of an estate plan is to ensure your family is taken care of and your property is preserved and transferred to the people you want it to go to. A good estate plan will make arrangements for both incapacity and death. A good estate plan will help keep your relatives from having to go through an expensive and time-consuming court process. Typical estate plan documents include a will, living trust, power of attorney, heatlh care surrogate, living will, and other documents as needed.   


  • Why should I have an estate plan?

As well-planned revocable trust and will save money by avoiding probate, minimizing stress on your loved ones, preventing family disputes after your death, and ensuring your property is distributed in accordance with your wishes. The durable power of attorney, designation of health care surrogate, and living will are important so that you have control over who is making your financial and medical decisions if you are incapacitated and can't manage them for yourself. Otherwise, the Court will decide in a potentially expensive and unpleasant guardianship action.


  • How much do estate plans cost?

You will receive a quote during your initial consultation meeting.  The cost of an estate plan varies depending on what documents you require and the complexity of your estate and family situation.  The average cost for a plan with living trusts for a married couple is $2,500.  The average cost for a plan with wills and no trusts for a married couple is $750-$1,000.    

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